Please be aware of this scammer going by the name TIFFANII SWEETS.
She has created an event brite page claiming she is hosting an event at Sammy's Patio on SEPT 1ST.
It has been brought to the media loopz attention that Tiffani did previously hit up a promoter associated with the event and asked if she could perform and he advised that the slots are full.
Another associate has also received messages from her stating she needs help selling tickets!!
This has been reported to event brite and we are asking our supporters to report this page today.
No other person should be getting profit from an event they are not performing or hired for promoting.
MZTML and her associated have tried to contact Ms. Sweets and no response to date.
We are not allowing this person into the event and a this picture will be posted for fraud ticket seller on the door the day of the event.
All receipts listed below.